Anyone who interacts with others is someone who influences others. The way you act and speak, manage your feelings and make decisions will ultimately impact people around you – even more so if you’re the leader of a team or several individuals. Here are ways to be a positive influence in the workplace.


Find purpose in what you do.
When you have a sense of direction and attachment to a cause, you become more engaged with your responsibilities and duties and are more likely to share what you’ve learned with others.

Acknowledge that you are not perfect
When workers see someone that isn’t afraid to ask questions and continues to try and learn and grow, it enables them to strive to understand and improve themselves consistently.

Listen before you try to persuade
Listening is a big part of communication and learning how to influence others. So, whether you already know your stance on a discussion topic or not, take the time to listen. Hearing your coworker’s thoughts before launching into a persuasive argument can help you bond.

Build win-win relationships
Positive relationships beneficial to everyone involved are the foundation of successful networking. Building authentic, supportive relationships can help all parties succeed in their objectives.

Be open to criticisms.
Positive influencers want to better themselves, meaning they are open to critiques and criticisms from those who surround them. When you embrace feedback that looks to improve upon your work, this helps those surrounding you remain receptive and open to their feedback, creating a culture of support and mutual improvement.

Show your appreciation for others.
A leader who wishes to maintain respect and followership does not exploit their employee’s hard work but promotes that person’s accomplishment. Help them recognize their strengths to course-correct and re-establish focus.

Use your influence positively.
Caring about your team and your goals is an excellent way to ensure that your authority and position are used for the company’s greatest good. In addition, simple demonstrations of placing your employee’s needs above your own will inevitably build positive and trusting relationships, which benefit everyone.

Help others out
Part of influencing others is being willing to help them. You might look for opportunities to do favours for them. However, it is more important to be generous when someone asks for your perspective, needs a word of encouragement, or seeks direction.


These helpful acts won’t be forgotten, even if you’re not praised or even acknowledged now. Learn more about handling a team with our business coach. Schedule a session now!