
Our Happy Clients

The program was very valuable

The program was very valuable. It was both challenging and rewarding. As a business owner what I got from the program was Motivation and structure. Any broker would benefit from going through it and Amanda is wonderful. She’s always positive and friendly.

Nicholas Bedggood
Citadel Insurance Services

The program was priceless

The program was priceless. I am thankful and I feel empowered. As a business owner, I had more self-confidence that I am doing the right thing by opening up an Insurance Brokerage. Any CBN broker can benefit from the program especially new brokers that are still trying to find their way.
Amanda was fanstastic. So much respect for this lady. She was direct, informative and so open and willing to help me improve my business practices to better my business.
I got 100% value for money.

Ben Taylor
Akupara Insurance Brokers

It was life-changing

It was life-changing. I have watched myself personally grow throughout the whole experience. I loved it that I was held accountable; this really helped me to work on the business, instead of in it. Any business owner who wants to expand would benefit from going through the program. Amanda has been wonderful to work with! She has always been available whenever I have needed her assistance. It was an absolute value for money which is why I signed up again when the Broker Base Accelerate Program finished.

Kellie Phillips
Australian Elite Insurance Solutions

It was exciting and challenging in a good way

It was exciting and challenging in a good way. I learned to structure my ideas, Business planning, and setting up longer-term goals. Business owners can benefit from going through the program. Amanda was easy to deal with, she was relatable and knowledgeable. I got the value for money.

Jason Salvemini
GIA Insurance Brokers

It was brilliant and beneficial

It was brilliant and beneficial. As a business owner, I got to take time to step away from the business, look at ways to improve, structure a timeline to make improvements and revisit my goals daily. I believe most AR’s would benefit from this program. We are all good insurance brokers but we need to understand how to run a business on all levels. Amanda has an abundance of energy and takes great pleasure in watching businesses grow during the program. The cost of the program is insignificant to the improvements that we have made during this journey.

Paul Mencev
Umbrella Insurance Brokers

It was inspiring

It was inspiring. I was uplifted. I have been the owner of my business for 2 years now. My initial intention was not to alter the business in the first 12 months and then to look at ways to improve and grow the business. The program has given me confidence in making business decisions that are both relevant to any business but importantly also specific to my specific occupation. Those starting a brokerage to those who have been in it for a long time can benefit from the program. It challenges you, your vision and aligns you with others that share the same issues. For me this is where the rubber hit the road. If you wanted a straight answer you got it. If you wanted help, you got it. If you need to contact her offline, Amanda was there. She is a brilliant coach that doesn’t pretend to be someone she isn’t. She was accessible, encouraging, empathetic and went beyond the business and combined knowledge with the personality of the individual. I liked the program that much and did another four months. I hope there will be a stage three.

John James
Kerrie Woodards Insurance

It is fundamental to success

It is fundamental to success. I got the opportunity to work with someone that understood the trade and business and guide me to better decisions for my next steps. Owners starting and looking for a helping hand, brokers who are looking to build structure in their own business and principals looking to learn how to better engage staff and grow personally can benefit from the program. Amanda is energetic and enthusiastic about my business & growth and she is generous. Through such a tough period, the group we were with was a great support mechanism.

Aaron Macdonald
Business Insurance Cover Services

This course was perfect for someone starting out

This program has enabled me to gain valuable insights from established business owners who have been down the path I am travelling. I have learned many skills that will be well utilised as my business grows. This has given me the confidence to succeed.

Information around staff and procedures is perfectly timed to get established as we head into this period of business growth. This benefits business owners like me who are less than 2 years operating and looking to grow. The insights I have from this course at this stage of my business will be repaid over many years.

Amanda was amazing. Open and friendly communication. Always happy to answer questions and can speak on several levels to different business owners. I think this course was perfect for someone starting out. It should be strongly offered to all new CBN members and could even be a good sales point to get people to join CBN.

Daniel McCarthy

I do believe I was provided value for my money.

This program has taught me how to run a successful business, tools to put plans in place & safeguard the business, a deeper look into my own business, a closer look at the importance of working ON the business as well as in it, helpful tools on how to make your staff more engaged.

While I can see how beneficial it is to business owners, it has given me so much more confidence as a broker and as a leader, be great also to see our potential ‘rising stars’ being given the opportunity to take advantage of a program like this, maybe even tweaked somewhat.

Amanda was an INCREDIBLE coach. She was so supportive and gave everyone time, made everyone feel welcome & valued, tailor-made solutions to fit & suit each of us as individuals and businesses.

I recommend Launchpad to anyone looking to set their business up for success. The knowledge and confidence I have gained and taken from this 8 weeks have been and will continue to be invaluable moving forward.

Renae Testoni

Amanda has provided me with the tools to grow and develop my assertiveness

Just like in sales, I understand the importance of getting to know my clients. This means asking them to tell me about their business and what they want to achieve so I can then understand where I can fit the puzzle piece in to complete their puzzle.
This is precisely the approach Amanda took. Amanda took the time to understand me personally and professionally, even conducting a DISC Leadership Assessment.
Amanda has an infectious personality of strength, knowledge, integrity, and humility, which meant we were able to hit the ground running, setting some realistic, achievable goals with a few laughs on the way.

In a heartbeat, a score of 1 million out of 10. Amanda’s coaching is not just about setting career goals and achieving them but an overall holistic approach. We often forget how the external factors in life help shape how we act and respond to situations in the workforce. It was having always doubted my honest and kind nature and the impact it would have on my career progression (Imposture Syndrome). Amanda guided me via her coaching and reminded me that honesty and integrity are a strength that has contributed to my success over the last 20 years in my career. Amanda has provided me with the tools to grow and develop my assertiveness, remain humble and remind myself daily that these doubts in my mind are just crowing my development.

Jessica Jenkins